Are you available to work online? If so join us adjunct to your usual clinic! We provide on online reception service, marketing and business management all you need to do is show up, online!

You will be part of a team. A three prong approach called the Naturo Method. All orchestrated online!

The Naturo Method

All you need to do to get involved as a Naturo-medicine practitioner (naturopath, medical herbalist or nutritionist) is be available to work online. And be willing to open channels of communication with your favourite local presence practitioners. We are in this together. 

Forget facebook – we have encrypted forums. COMING THIS WEEK!!! [email protected] for more info

I’ve designed forums so that naturo pros have their own special area. You can use this area to access:

  • Posts and find referrals, these will be for online appointments especially from Europe. 
  • Discuss treatment strategies under specific condition threads, this data will be collected as practice based evidence and contribute to a project by Rupert Sheldrakes at Oxford university. 
  • Share protocols across the world with Rn Clinical pro groups

Lastly, I need your help..

If you are an authority on a specific subject I ask you to please step onto our A team! Being on the NaturoProA team will allow you to header a Category. ONLY NATURO PRO A’S CAN CREATE A CATEGORY. NaturoPro can make topics and comment only. There are professional areas and there are community areas and there are therapy areas. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN LEADING AS A NATUROPRO OR IF YOU WANT TO VOTE SOMEBODY TO LEAD THEN PLEASE MAKE REQUESTS TO [email protected].

NB this is a collective shared platform for you to display your online courses, podcasts, workshop dates. etc.

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Chloé Silverman

Chloé Silverman

Founder of Real Naturo. Naturopath. Yoga Therapist

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