Hello Superwoman, highly resourceful lady of numerous hats.  Spinning many plates can leave you tired!  Trapped in a never-ending tidal wave longing for more time! 

You lead a passionate purpose driven work life. Either family remains a distant dream, or lustre in your relationship needs a little attention. Where will you find the energy..

Despite knowing what’s best, you often skip yoga for a glass of wine. Leaving you anxious and at risk of burnout or worse, medical consequences. All the while pressure from loved ones adds to the burden. 

Stop burnout in its track with tools to harness abundant energy

Imagine abundant energy fuelling every aspect of life. Fostering career growth and deepening relationships! Envision passionate love, that supports you to achieve your aspirations.

Envision the tranquility of empowerment, effortlessly balancing business and leisure, surrounded by a supportive community of women.

Radiate vitality, with renewed zest for life and a vibrant glow. Friends and family will marvel at your transformation, eager to know your secret.


Sassi practices have become my staple. I used to cycle between burning out and numbing out. Those days are well and truly behind me thanks to Chloe and her incredible work. 

Jacqueline, Entrepreneur, Mum, Superwoman, USA 

 I fell pregnant immediately after Sassi retreat. After years of IVF.  What else is there to say!

Charlotte, CEO, Ibiza

Sassi Space has given more ease to life. It helped to release years of hidden hurt and sadness, which was unexpected. Initially, the practice was awkward but as I shed inhibitions I learnt to embrace ‘letting go’ fully. The transformation has been profound; the benefits are obvious through my work,  family life and my body shape change. My breast are more full. I thought I was in my power before but Sassi has helped me truly be more powerful. 

Sophie, Entrepreneur, London

What doors will open after The Retreat:

Picture waking up feeling energised and refreshed, ready to seize the day with enthusiasm.

Your relationships flourish as with Sassi practices you quite literally have more time. 

With Sassi support you savour each moment, finding joy in simple pleasures and meaningful experiences.

Not your customary
"Goddess retreat"

Rest assured that you will not find yourself amidst a dusty cushion massaging your breasts chanting OMM. Or forced to share your deepest secrets to strangers. 

This is not a feminine show of how soft and self serving you are. Or a competition of how hard you burnt out. 

It’s a dive into the senses with divine food, music and embodied movement. Transforming that which is unmet into powerful energy, focus and creativity. 

Your Luxury 6-night Retreat

Relax in the elegance and beauty of the Spanish countryside,. Enjoy divine organic food and revitalise by the pool.

Be entertained in the evening with local percussion music after dinner. 

This is a retreat of pleasurable indulgence for all of the senses. Enjoy rich healthy meals, a drink at sunset while being serenaded with music.

Expert Practitioners

Fuel your internal flame to never burn out again with Sassi sessions

Tap into your natural energy source with ‘Sassi Space’. Taught exclusively. This practice is your secret weapon to never burning out again. A fusion of erotic movement & breath-work. Internationally renowned naturopath Chloe Silverman. Has helped hundreds of  exceptional people experience extraordinary heights of energy, focus and creativity. Chloe courageously gave up private practice when she received the call in 2024 to focus purely on “Sassi” for those with great missions for humanity and the evolution of the planet.  Embark on a journey into your inner world with Sassi to show up more powerfully in the world with a secret sensual self care practice. 

Enhance sexual experiences with secret ancient practices taught by a master

Ignite your self-care practice with sacred Taoist sexual practices. Enjoy an exclusive audience with guest practitioner Jade Lotus. You will never do a boring kegal exercise again after this! Practices optional.Over two days Jade will safely guide you through an ancient yoni egg practice used by the royals during the Chinese Dynasty. Here you will learn tools to destress, to enhance sexual experiences and to revitalise at a soul level. Trained by Taoist Mantak Chia himself, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. 

Acclaim and tone your inner strength with power yoga

Feel fantastic and look great with Power Yoga, build your inner & outer strength with exceptional classes from yogini Suzy Cooper. Suzy has supported global heroes on the frontline doing incredibly important humanitarian work.  Her sessions will  encourage connection with self at a deep level through powerful body flows, traditional asanas and moving meditations. Suzy uses music to draw inspiration and to connect to your inner world. The practice is also fun and invigorating. For seasoned yogis and beginners. 

Delving into Sassi The Retreat, you are gifting yourself an abundance practice for life. A sexual vitality practice that you can do daily to never burnout again. You will gain an unwavering support of empowered women. The sisterhood every woman longs for. With shared dedication to their creative power and purposeful impact in the world. The time is now to embrace your feminine leadership and catalyse new holistic ways in the world.

Lets talk” 

Chloé Silverman B.H.Sc (Naturopathy)

Each practitioner delegates their undivided attention to each participant.
This limits spaces to a select 9 conscious catalysts.
Prices start at £4,700.
Book a call to reserve your spot and book in your complimentary Naturopathic medicine analysis