Tap into your never ending energy source. 

Your sensuality is the key to youthfulness..

According to ancient texts.

Sexual vitality harnessed, can quite literally change the world.

From ordinary to orgasmic..


Why Sassi?


You are more powerful than you have ever been shown. As a conscious creator, a multidimensional being and a leader of liberation.

Your inner world reflects the outer world. Your womb is a microcosm of creation itself.

During Sassi practices you will learn how to access your multidimensional power to revive your natural energy, relinquish your time and revolutionise the world as we know it.   

Inner peace

Ignite hormonal harmony and peace of mind with deep rejuvenation.

Outer Glow

Nourishment from the inside out, Sassi practices reduce fine lines, firm skin and corrects posture. 

Self Actualise

Relationships blossom, dreams become reality and great projects are fulfilled when you align to that which you desire.

Who is Sassi for?

Courageous women who are making impact in the world and dream of:

  • a sanctuary to satiate their soul and calm the mind
  • practices to boost their sexual vitality and manage stress with ease
  • and a sisterhood of like-minded creative geniuses to share the journey  

Sassi The Retreat, September 12-18th 2024, Rhonda, Spain