
  • Enema kit – buy this from the pharmacy
  • Skin brush – from the pharmacy, health food shop and some supermarkets. Needs to have firm bristles.
  • Psyllium husk
  • A cold pressed juicer you can buy for as little as £39 on amazon. Check this one out.
  • Blender for the nut juice. Can do this on the cheap by buying a second hand coffee grinder from a charity shop for £5!!


Buy online here in perfect quantities for a 5 days worth. If not grab from your local health food store All must be suitable for internal use.

  • Psyllium husk plantago ovum
  • Epsom salts–  magnesium sulphate (ground and a large bag of unground salts too for soaking in the bath)
  • Bentonite claycalcium bentonite
  • Bicarb of soda – sodium bicarbonate

Cold Pressed Juices

Cold Pressed juices are available to buy from some supermarkets and local health cafes. Organisation is key! If possible ask for a delivery service every 3 days. Or pick up juices for every three days in advance. See forum for a cold pressed juice provider near you.

Juice ingredients lists and explanatory videos are available to download for the subscribers of the Real Naturo 10 day Juice cleanse. Always buy FRESH from the farmers market, no more than 3 days old. Preferably organic, or local seasonal produce.

If you are interested to offer deliveries in your city, please get in contact to join our representative team:  [email protected]

Get the Juice on Juicing!

Please register for the juice cleanse section to receive regime, ingredients and loads of videos on how to do it correctly an all of the incredible proven benefits. Proof is in the testimonials :).


  • RN cleanse pack– enema kit, skin brush, clay, psyllium, HOW-TO VIDEO SERIES and ONLINE NUTRITIONIST and NATUROPATHIC SUPPORT, a forum to chat to other cleansers, fun practices to do whilst cleansing, & motivational tips – £79
  • Fruit and veg to juice – £27
  • Juicer – £39
  • Blender or Coffee Grinder – £5

Grand total of £150

Related articles
Naturopathic benefits of juicing
How to prepare for a juice cleanse
Chloé Silverman

Chloé Silverman

Founder of Real Naturo. Naturopath. Yoga Therapist

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