Consciousness is the lyric on the lip these days. It tastes sweet because everything is already consciousness. Part of us remembers this. We are just a little blinded through layers of cultural illusion. Like getting the kids to school, meeting deadlines, upholding social norms and keeping up with the Jones’.
According to epigenetics we are products of our environment. Not only do our physical surroundings directly effect our health. But it effects our bacteria. We are more bacteria than we are human cell or genome. If by epigenetics ‘we are what we choose to do, think and feel’ then we have the ability to transform our internal worlds via controlling the outer world. Then we have the know how to transform our mind controlling micro biome. The ‘gut hold’ of the majority of our life affirming or destructing bacteria. Lost me at mind control? Revert to RN Cleanse videos in the forum. As things advance and transform quicker than we have known before, conscious development too, is flying. For some.
What may have taken someone 12 years in a spiritual community to “get” in the 70’s, one can “get” in a weekend workshop today.
We treat the planet, the same way we treat ourselves, “as above so below”. After decades of dishevelling the planet, we are being required to step up, own and address our inner demons individually. This then reflects the systemic global levels to break cycles. So it seems to be a very conducive time for conscious spiritual developments. Hence the new age movement. But don’t be fooled, much of the new age “be happy all the time” or “buy this workshop and you will transform” is a consciousness trap.
The real work begins when you address all of yourself. We are all made up of the good, the bad and the f’ugly.
Spiritually we are in what Hinduism calls Kali yuga era. A cycle during which there
is much confusion. For example there is less crime and violence in the world today than ever before. But the well orchestrated terror movement has confused us into a state of constant fear. It seems that time has accelerated as the world tries to re-harmonise to reach a continued positive state, possibly one of non-duality, no longer controlled by cause and effect.
The good news is everything is working for us once we return to a natural state and remember who we truly are.
Remembering comes about quickest through cleansing the body, doing presence practices and the inner work.
All is real, both illusion and truth. But only a clear state of being, connection and integration of self can distinguish consciousness and determine truth from illusion – as real.
The name “Real” Naturo was devised because it is necessary for evolution to see both the illusion and the truth and recognise that both are perceived as real.
Everything is perception, perception is personally interpreted from the limits of understanding, until the mind becomes quiet enough that life is observed instead of intellectualised. This may be where belief ceases and knowing is found.
Here’s a few recommendations to clear out some illusions, a prerequisite for reconnection to conscious HAPPY living.
- Turn off the Tv for a while. Widen your mental mind with documentaries and world movies.
- Stop buying from the supermarket (including whole foods) buy from local farms or grow your own to avoid GMO and “mind altering” chemicals such a glyphosphate.
- Make time for a presence practice every day.
- Delete ‘would’, ‘should’ and ‘could’ from your vocabulary. They take you out of the present moment and limit your energetic state.
- Ask yourself “what may someone who comes for a place of love do” before every decision.
- Become mindful, to become mindless- state of nothingness which is meditation; check out mindfulness eating articles in the search menu.
- Work out what your needs are so you can meet you needs and then eventually let go of your needs. You can not skip the “understanding your needs” step, you will end up going around in circles feeding the illusion and giving in to desires. Desires being junk food, impulsive spending or crack! Not meeting your needs will leave you perpetually stuck and confused. Facilitation is always good at this step. Check out Naturo-therapy
- Have an attitude of gratitude. Write down three things that you are grateful for everyday and write why for more POW.
- Shut up your chattering mind with the mantra ‘loving kindness’. Repeat these word over and over in your head. One day it may stick instead of the chattering voices in your head.
- Make time for creativity and play every single day. Dance, play a sport, sing, paint, do it. Creativity feeds reality with joy and takes us from surviving to thriving, When done consciously- aka without drugs. But if you rely on a drug to fuel this to begin with, be ok with that and know that as long as you keep working on your health one day the desire for health will replace the drug.
Warning: taking action to do the above measures is courageous. You will meet and wrestle your ego until you reach a state of peace where there is non judgement. Your presence will challenge others as you will shine a light on their shadows too.
We are all mirrors of each other, highlighting what needs to change in order for consciousness to expand.
The complexity of life comes from ignoring how simple it really is.
So others will challenge you to keep your awareness on point. Learn to allow it, learn from it and do it anyway. Stay away from becoming a narcissistic new ageist. Stay away from attaching to anything as special or yours. You are not important, you are as significant and as insignificant to the whole -always. As Mooji says ‘nothing, nothing nothing :)’.
Most importantly use nature as your guide. Gain clarity of what is real by cleansing the mind body and SPIRIT the juiciest part of all. Where we are limitless! Use presence practices to become more resilient, more connected to self and ultimately to source.
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