by Real Naturo Representative, Kirsty Targrass – Feminine Embodiment coach, founder of The Mystic Wanderer.

Are you connected to your Yoni?

As women we tend to go through a cycle in our teens to our mid 20’s where we are having sexual encounters with our yoni but ultimately feeling a disconnection to our inner self.

Did you ever find yourself in a relationship where sexual pleasure was not satisfying, maybe it still isn’t? Did you have an inner knowing that there was something missing? That here had to be more to this whole “love making” thing?

Yes. There is!

It is our disconnection with the organ that connects us to our truth, our identity, our core…..

Our Yoniverse, Our Womb.

I invite you to ask yourself (while placing your left hand on your womb and your right hand on your heart)..

Do you really feel connected to your Yoni?
Can you embrace your yoni wholeheartedly and love everything about her?
Can you breathe from your yoni/womb?
Do you want to feel pleasure + union?
Do you want to feel ecstasy?
Do you want to hear the messages your yoni delivers to you each and everyday?
Do you want to feel freedom?
Do you want to heighten your intuition?

If the answer is yes to any of the above questions, I would like to introduce you to a tool that will change your world forever!

Yoni Eggs

Yoni eggs are stones derived from our Earth in a shape of an egg. These Yoni Eggs are inserted into your yoni (very similar to how you would insert a tampon). It is said from ancient Taoist traditions that through leaving this stone in your yoni for an extended amount of time (recommended 30 minutes for beginners) not only assists in cleansing and purifying your yoni but also holds many physical benefits such as:

+ tighten the walls of your yoni
+ strengthens your pelvis
+ supports the urinary and digestive organs
+ contributes to better bowel movements
+ clears blockages
+ improves blood flow in your genitals
+ moistens your vagina
+ balances your hormones
+ awakens your deeper sensitivity and ultimately enhances your feeling of pleasure so that you are able to experience stronger orgasms
+ it is made from the earth! Not hidden nasties like plastic + bleach!

Why would you use a yoni egg?

Your yoni and womb is the essence to who you are. This is the area in your body that holds ancient wisdom and guidance for you to utilise and assist with living a vibrant, joyous, connected and happy life! When we are connecting to our yoni and womb we feel grounded and more connected to who we are as a woman.

Our feminine embodiment coach & founder of the The Mystic Wanderer, Kirsty Targrass shares her journey with using a yoni egg for the first time! You can read more here:


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Chloé Silverman

Chloé Silverman

Founder of Real Naturo. Naturopath. Yoga Therapist

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