Naturo-medicine initial appointment


Speak with a naturopath online today. Naturo-medicine appointments address biological imbalances with herbal and nutritional medicine, diet and lifestyle. 


Naturo Medicine Initial Appointment

Naturo-medicine appointments address biological imbalances with herbal and nutritional medicine, diet and lifestyle.

Acute conditions that we see online include:

  • skin complaints
  • anxiety
  • headaches/migraines
  • skin conditions
  • PMS
  • cold and flu
  • fever (not children)
  • chest infection
  • constipation or diarrhoea
  • sinusitis/allergies
  • digestive complaints
  • insomnia/ sleep problems
  • depression

Chronic conditions that we see online include:

  • Digestive symptoms like acid reflux, heartburn, stomach pain, bloating, gas, diarrhea, or constipation

  • Digestive diseases like IBS, SIBO, GERD, LPR, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, H Pylori infection, leaky gut, celiac disease

  • Autoimmune conditions inflammation and flare ups, including rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, Hashimoto’s or others 

  • Food sensitivities and/or allergies, histamine intolerance

  • Chronic fatigue and low energy

  • Migraines or headaches

  • Muscle or joint pain

  • Skin issues like eczema, rashes and gives, rosacea, adult acne, and psoriasis

  • Hormonal imbalances related to the gut, including thyroid, adrenal, PCOS, diabetes, or others

  • Something undiagnosed, you don’t feel right and doctors aren’t helping


For chronic conditions we recommend a package. Book a complimentary call here

Naturo-medicine consultations provide an in-depth analysis of your biological health and wellness. The naturopath will assess your medical history, current health status and bioenergetics (how your body is reacting to your environment). Iridology (assessment of the iris) is used to support these findings.

Using this information your naturopath will make an analysis and provide a treatment plan to balance accordingly. Treatment is in the form of alcohol extracts of herbal medicine, nutritional medicine and energetic vibrational medicine.

Although naturopathy is biological medicine, our practitioners work at a cellular energetic level. After all we are working with live natural plants which pass on energetic blueprints alongside chemical components. Our intuitive practitioners are chosen specifically not only for their degree level education but for their ability to tune into plant energetics.

Meditation, breath work and yoga nidra provided in this package help your results to be long lasting. These are accessible via a log in to our private forum RealTalk.


For detoxification purposes we recommend an appointment with your GP for blood tests before and after the package to measure your success. Our naturopath will take photos of your iris and tongue as naturopathic measurements. Please request a liver function test and full blood count. We can provide you with a referral letter if needed.

Herbal formulas

Naturo medicines are in the form of ‘practitioner-only’ herbal formulas to address the biological body. Naturo-medicine will be delivered to you next day from our UK dispensary. 

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Select Appointment Type

First Appointment £154, Standard Appointment £70, No Appointment