WHOLESALE Herbal formula 200ml x15


Choose 3 products from 15 formulas. Practitioner only.

A pack of 15 can be made up of a combination of 3 of the below herbal formulas:

  1. Calm energy (catecholamines)
  2. Dopa fix (dopaminergic, microcirculation)
  3. Wise women (oestrogenic)
  4. Fresh (choleretic)
  5. Parasite cleanse (antiparasitic) recommended 100ml
  6. Calm (hypnotic for sleep)
  7. Immune defense (upper respiratory and lymphatic)
  8. Infection control (vascular general antimicrobial) recommended 100ml
  9. Convalesce (trophosrestorative)
  10. Blast (antiviral)
  11. Creative T (testosterone modulator)
  12. Creative P (progesterone modulator)
  13. Berry hearty (cardiotonic)
  14. Bitter this (absorption) x4 50ml bottles
  15. Brain Pow (nootropic)

Instruct client to take alongside a Naturo anti-inflammatory diet or the RN cleanse. You are responsible for assuring no contraindications. See forum for full lists. All standard precautions which can be found on our forum using QR code on label to access protocols.

If there is an underlying medical conditions you or your client must speak with a naturo-medicine practitioner for herb drug interactions.

If suitable for children see revised dosage on forum. Childrens formulas available and also a family pack. Speak with us today for personalised health care (UK) 01223 911773 [email protected]


For complimentary consultation choosing the correct formula please schedule a call Here

200ml of medicine is 2 weeks supply or 1 month supply depending on dosage. A pack of 15x 200ml can be made up of the below herbal formulas:

  1. Calm energy (catecholamines)
  2. Dopa fix/neurotone (dopaminergic, microcirculation)
  3. Wise women (oestrogenic)
  4. Fresh (choleretic)
  5. Parasite cleanse (anti-parasitic) available in 100ml bottles only
  6. Calm (hypnotic for sleep)
  7. Immune defence (upper respiratory and lymphatic)
  8. Infection control (vascular general antimicrobial) available in 100ml bottles only
  9. Convalesce (trophosrestorative)
  10. Blast (antiviral)
  11. Creative T (testosterone modulator)
  12. Creative P /Women’s tonic (progesterone modulator)
  13. Berry hearty (cardiotonic)
  14. Bitter this (absorption) x4 50ml bottles
  15. Brain Pow (nootropic)
  16. GUT 2 (restore gut permeability)
  17. Naturo greens (REDOX)

Instruct client to take alongside a Naturo anti-inflammatory diet or the RN cleanse. You are responsible for assuring no contraindications. See forum for full lists. All standard precautions which can be found on our forum using QR code on label to access protocols.

If there is an underlying medical conditions you or your client must speak with a naturo-medicine practitioner for herb drug interactions.

If suitable for children see revised dosage on forum. Children’s formulas available and also a family pack. Speak with us today for personalised health care (UK) 01223 911773 [email protected]

See all 100ml options here